
Welcome to Berkshire Healthcare Trust 

It's important that all of our new starters attend induction as soon as possible. It's an excellent opportunity for staff to access lots of important information all in one place as well as receiving a variety of statutory, mandatory and essential training. Julian Emms, Chief Executive Officer attends all of our inductions to personally welcome you to the Trust. We're currently providing e-Induction to all new starters, which are scheduled for the first full week of every month.

You don't need to attend if:

  • You're returning to the trust after less than one year
  • You're on a secondment
  • You're a volunteer and your manager is happy for you not to attend

When will I know I am booked on induction?

When your manager completes the appointment form a copy is sent to the Learning and Development team. At that point, they'll automatically book you a space on the next available induction and email you to let you know the dates. 

You'll receive two separate emails that will give you all of the information you'll need to successfully complete the induction. Your new manager will be copied into these emails.

You'll receive:

  1. Confirmation of booking
  2. Your personalised schedule for induction week will be sent during the week before your agreed induction date